Thursday 7 September 2017

ONE word blog post

Learning Goal: present the ONE word you have chosen that will make a difference this year

Success Criteria:

  • visually represent your word
  • explain the meaning of the word (it might have more than one meaning)
  • why did you choose the word?
  • give at least one personal experience that illustrates why the word makes sense for you
Due date: TBD

Friday 23 June 2017

Simeon Park

Monday is our trip to Simeon Park.We will provide pizza, snacks and a couple of drinks.You need to bring:
  • bathing suit and towel
  • running shoes
  • sunscreen
  • clothes appropriate for the weather
  • water bottle
  • snacks (if you have a big appetite or you're fussy)
We will leave immediately following attendance.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Six Word Memoirs

Learning Goal:

  • write a six-word memoir and create a visual representation (photo/drawing/video)

  • what surprises you about this form of writing? 
  • what were some of the common themes that emerged from the writing? 
  • what emotions are revealed through these six-word memoirs? Which words make you feel those emotions?
  • what do you think is the backstory for this author’s six-word memoir?

Writing Process:
  1. Reflect on events, themes, and memories (both good and bad) throughout your lives. You will consider what is most important to you and pick your idea to use as your Six Word Memoir theme. 
  2. Create a word web of related words for your chosen theme: descriptive words, action words etc.
  3. Begin writing your first draft (consider the use of capitals, punctuation etc.)

Thursday 15 June 2017

To do...June 14

  1. Checkpoint - Friday (mean, median, mode, range)
  2. Signed rubrics (blog, book club reflections, math quiz etc.)
  3. Grad letter (came home today)
  4. Persuasive draft should be done