Thursday 29 September 2016

To do...Sept. 29

  1. "On the Sidewalk..." - add the CONFLICT (provide evidence)
  2. In from the Cold - padlet question
  3. Math Checkpoint - Friday (using prime factorization to find CF and CM)
  4. Math Test - Thursday, Oct. 6
  5. Science - 10 bold words and 2 cell drawings

In From the Cold (decisions)

Wednesday 28 September 2016

To do...September 28

  1. Math - p. 14 #4, 7, 9, 10, 16
  2. Math - Checkpoint - Friday (use prime factorization to find common multiples and factors)
  3. Literacy - complete plot diagram & questions due tomorrow
  4. History - p. 18-19 (questions - during and after reading) due Friday
  5. Science - glossary, sheet and questions due Friday
MADD presentation tomorrow
Meet the Staff night tomorrow

Tuesday 27 September 2016

To do...September 27

  1. Math - worksheet 1.3 & CHECKPOINT tomorrow (prime factorization)
  2. Literacy - read "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" (be prepared to complete plot diagram)
Meet the Teacher - Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30

Monday 26 September 2016

What we like about READING

Terry Fox Run

Image result for terry fox run

Highview's Terry Fox Run will take place on Friday, September 30 (1:30 pm approx.)

If you would like to make an online donation, find the link below:

Terry Fox Fundraising - Highview

Wednesday 21 September 2016

To do...Sept. 21

  1. Math - p. 7 #23 (convince me); p. 10 #5 a, b (stacked); 10 (tree diagram)
Upcoming dates:
Monday, Sept. 26 - PA day (no school)
Thursday, Sept. 29 - Meet the Teacher Night
Friday, Sept 30 - MADD presentation (permission forms signed)
Friday, Sept. 30 - Terry Fox Run (afternoon) Bring a "Toonie for Terry"

Monday 19 September 2016

To do...Sept. 19

  1. Math - divisibility rules worksheet
  2. French Test tomorrow

Friday 16 September 2016

To do...Sept. 16

  1. Literacy - "The Hockey Sweater" (rising action, climax, falling action, resolution)
  2. Thinking Book (need your book by end of week)
  3. Math - complete 100 chart (PRIME numbers)
  4. Complete PARENT CONTACT information (if you haven't done so already)
  5. Permission for MADD presentation
  6. Yellow form from office/ Lunch permission
  7. French - Tuesday
  8. History Presentation - Monday
  9. ART - mandala
  10. "Bring Your Own Device" permission form

Wednesday 14 September 2016

To do...Sept. 14

  1. ART - bring sketchbook
  2. Literacy - complete SUMMARIZING activity 

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Literacy - Sept. 13 (in the library)

This afternoon, we will meet in the library. Half of the class will be working in the library on the tasks below. The other half will be taking part in another activity in the classroom:

  1. Independent reading
  2. Summarizing article (see Padlet below) - turn in when complete
  3. ONE word blog post (ensure it is complete and ready for viewing)
  4. Choose an influential book (why it is important to you, can be found in library, you would recommend someone else to read it)
  5. Read "The Hockey Sweater" (if there is time)
Image result for bridge to terabithia book         Image result for iggie's house        Image result for the lion the witch and the wardrobe book cover

Summarizing - what is important?

Week of Inspirational Math - day 5

Our Brains Think about Math Visually from Citizen Film on Vimeo.

Friday 9 September 2016

To do...September 9

  1. Math binder with 5 dividers/Literacy binder
  2. Literacy - introduction survey due Monday
  3. Literacy - ONE word blog post due Tuesday
  4. Science - p. 100 #3-5 & A, B, C due Tuesday
Thank you for a great start to the year everyone (even with the heat)!

Image result for hot smiling emoji

Week of Inspriational Math - day 3

Believe in Yourself from Citizen Film on Vimeo.

Thursday 8 September 2016

ONE word Blogpost

Learning Goal: present the ONE word you have chosen that will make a difference this year

Success Criteria:

  • visually represent your word
  • explain the meaning of the word (it might have more than one meaning)
  • why did you choose the word?
  • give at least one personal experience that illustrates why the word makes sense for you
Due date: Tuesday, September 13th

Week of Inspirational Math - Day 2

Mistakes are Powerful from Citizen Film on Vimeo.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

To do...Sept. 6

  1. Show parents the class blog (parent contact information/sign up to blog)
  2. House Captain application (Friday, 3:05)
  3. ONE word
  4. Reading material
  5. Math binder (5 dividers by Monday)
  6. Literacy binder
  7. Science - p. 96 #1, 2; bolded words and title page

Book Talk

Monday 5 September 2016


Questions to think about as you look for your word:

  • what do I need?
  • what do I want?
  • what gets in my way?
  • what do I need to focus on?
  • what do I want to do this year that I haven't done before?
  • what do I want to do better this year?

First Day Checklist

  • timetables
  • lockers
  • textbooks
  • homework/blog/agendas
  • Lunch routines
  • Entry/Exit/Fire Procedures
  • Personal devices (iPods/iPhones/iPads/laptops)
  • House Captain applications
  • Questions/concerns