Sunday 30 October 2016

A couple of reminders...

  1. Halloween Dance - $3 (afternoon)
  2. Halloween Maze - $2 (proceeds go to Dekpor School)
  3. Permission forms for trip to G.W. Williams S.S. - Wednesday
  4. Sketchbooks for ART - hand in to Mrs. Nye on Monday

Wednesday 26 October 2016

To do...October 26

  1. Math - question on the blog
  2. Literacy activities - you should be keeping up and completing as we go
  3. History - stakeholder group work - due Tuesday
  4. Permission form - trip to Williams S.S.
Friday is a PA day.
Monday, Oct. 31 - $3 for Halloween Dance

Can you model these questions?

This is your HOMEWORK! You should have some attempts that you are prepared to share.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Monday 24 October 2016

To do...Oct. 24

  1. Math worksheet - 5.5 #1-6, 11-14, 21-24, 31-34
  2. Science - Genetic Testing Project due Wed.
  3. French - retest tomorrow

Thursday 20 October 2016

To do...October 20

  1. Math - worksheets (multiplying fractions)
  2. Literacy - your first two activities should be done
  3. Thinking Book - ongoing
  4. Drama Monologues continue tomorrow
  5. Science Test - Monday
SPIRIT ASSEMBLY - wear your colour!!!

Multiplication models

Fraction Strips

Multiplying fractions - array

Image result for multiplying fractions array

Friday 14 October 2016

To do...October 14

  1. Math - p. 292 #6a, 8b, 9ab (choose one & model it); 7b, 10
  2. Math - checkpoint on Tuesday (adding & subtracting fractions; improper, mixed)
  3. Drama - monologues begin Wednesday

Thursday 13 October 2016

To do...Oct. 13

  1. Math - p. 288 $4-6, 11, 12 def, 15
  2. Literacy: Read - "Don't Give up the Fight!"
  3. History - read p. 30-34 (p. 30 and 32 During Reading)
  4. Art - be prepared to go outside
  5. French - conjugate verbs on worksheet

Wednesday 12 October 2016

To do...Oct. 12

  1. Drama Monologue presentations begin as early as Wednesday next week
  2. Make sure your Blogpost is displayed properly
  3. Math test signed
  4. Math - p. 285 #1-4, 5a, 6ab, 9 & "Fractions of Shapes"
  5. History - p. 26 and 27 (During Reading p. 26 and After Reading p. 27)
  6. ART - be prepared to be outside on Friday

Tuesday 11 October 2016

To do...October 11

  1. Math - p. 22 #7, 8 & worksheets
  2. Literacy - "Memorable Read" due tomorrow
  3. Read - "The Lottery" (be prepared to complete a plot diagram)
  4. Survey - Grade 8 trip (see links below for information on the options)

Grade 8 trip options:
Niagara for 2 days / 1 night – approximately $350

Wednesday 5 October 2016

To do...Oct. 5

  1. Math test - tomorrow
  2. Drama Monologue - written by Tuesday, Oct. 11
  3. "Memorable Read" blogpost - due Wed. Oct. 12
  4. ART - sketch due tomorrow (ex. Banksy)
  5. History - p. 25 After reading #2

Monday 3 October 2016

To do...Oct. 3

  1. Math - find 2 numbers: GCF = 30 and LCM = 2250
  2. History due tomorrow
  3. Math test - Thursday

My Most Memorable Read

Learning Goal:
  • Create a one page poster persuading others to sign out your “most memorable read” from the library

Success Criteria:
  • Short summary or blurb about the book
  • Explanation about why you chose the book (why did you love it?)
  • Include a visual of the book cover
  • Target audience (who should read it? Poster should meet audience)
  • Your creative additions (themes, favourite quotes etc.)
  • short reflection on your blog about your choice

Find example in Google Classroom. Due Wednesday, October 12.