Tuesday 13 December 2016

To do...Dec. 13

1. Math - 3.8 #1-8, 14
2. Rubrics need to be signed: Alegra Unit test, Geometry checkpoint, Digital tools blogpost and Orbiting Jupiter assessment
3. Thinking Book (ongoing)

Montreal - deadline on School Cash Online is tomorrow. The second and third installments will also be paid on School Cash Online later this year.

Monday 12 December 2016

To do...December 12

  1. Math - "Parallel Lines" #19, 20; 9.6R #4 g, h
  2. Checkpoint - angle relationships (alternate, co-interior, corresponding)
  3. Math Unit Test - next Tuesday
Deadline: Montreal - deposit and registration form

Wednesday 7 December 2016

To do...December 7

  1. Math - #15, 17, 18 (proper communication!!!)
  2. Seedfolks - make sure character chart is done for Kim
  3. History - letter or political cartoon due Monday
  4. Science - 6.4 #2-6 and bold words
Montreal Trip - deposit due on School Cash Online & form to Mr. Congram

Digital Tool example

Callum's Duolingo

Thursday 1 December 2016

To do...December 1

  1. Math - p. 138 #5, 6, 11 
  2. Math test - Monday (review: p. 135 #2, 3; p. 145 #1-4; p. 147 #1-3)
  3. History - p. 62-69 (Debates on Monday)
  4. Science - p. 140-142 #1-6 and 8 bold words
  5. French test tomorrow
The deposit for the Montreal Trip should be working on Cash Online now. Deadline is December 14.
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