Thursday 7 September 2017

ONE word blog post

Learning Goal: present the ONE word you have chosen that will make a difference this year

Success Criteria:

  • visually represent your word
  • explain the meaning of the word (it might have more than one meaning)
  • why did you choose the word?
  • give at least one personal experience that illustrates why the word makes sense for you
Due date: TBD

Friday 23 June 2017

Simeon Park

Monday is our trip to Simeon Park.We will provide pizza, snacks and a couple of drinks.You need to bring:
  • bathing suit and towel
  • running shoes
  • sunscreen
  • clothes appropriate for the weather
  • water bottle
  • snacks (if you have a big appetite or you're fussy)
We will leave immediately following attendance.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Six Word Memoirs

Learning Goal:

  • write a six-word memoir and create a visual representation (photo/drawing/video)

  • what surprises you about this form of writing? 
  • what were some of the common themes that emerged from the writing? 
  • what emotions are revealed through these six-word memoirs? Which words make you feel those emotions?
  • what do you think is the backstory for this author’s six-word memoir?

Writing Process:
  1. Reflect on events, themes, and memories (both good and bad) throughout your lives. You will consider what is most important to you and pick your idea to use as your Six Word Memoir theme. 
  2. Create a word web of related words for your chosen theme: descriptive words, action words etc.
  3. Begin writing your first draft (consider the use of capitals, punctuation etc.)

Thursday 15 June 2017

To do...June 14

  1. Checkpoint - Friday (mean, median, mode, range)
  2. Signed rubrics (blog, book club reflections, math quiz etc.)
  3. Grad letter (came home today)
  4. Persuasive draft should be done

Monday 12 June 2017

Post-Grad Invitation

Dear Grade 8 families,
The Orzechowski family have kindly offered to host all of the Grade 8 Graduates at their house after the ceremony and the reception at Kings Riding Golf Club. 
Please know that this generous offer is a parent/family run event rather than a Highview Public School event.
All graduates are invited to attend.
Please see the information below:
Brianna is hosting an after graduation Pool party and would like to invite the entire Grade 8 graduates.    
It will begin after the dance at Kings Riding.
Place:   132 Championship Circle Place
Please bring bathing suit and towel.   
RSVP:  Lori Orzechowski 
           905 717 8144

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Possible Quotes to Base Your Essay On

You must choose one of these quotes for your own persuasive essay or get my approval for another quote by the end of Thursday.

"Sports do not build character. They reveal it." - John Wooden

Image result for judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree

“It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog” – Mark Twain

“It’s not having what you want, it’s wanting what you have.”- Sheryl Crow

“Today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten.” - Natasha Badingfield

“Even if your hands are shaking….. Say what you need to say.” -  John Mayer

Monday 5 June 2017

Persuasive Essay - introduction example

“Slow down everyone, you’re moving too fast.”

No Regrets

The writer, Annie Dillard, wrote, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” A parent leaves their home for a twelve hour work day, eats their dinner with their smartphone next to them and parks in front of the television to watch their shows. At the end of our lives we hope to look back and have no regrets. Is this how we want to spend our lives? Our culture is spending too much time on all the wrong things. The average person spends too much time using technology mindlessly, working long hours or avoiding activity. If our lives are to have meaning we need to spend our time wisely.

Success Criteria

  • hook (question, statistic, powerful statement, quote etc.)
  • thesis statement (see criteria on previous post)
  • three support arguments
  • final transition sentence to first paragraph
In partners, choose one quote from below and decide what it means to you. You need to write an introduction to a persuasive essay based on your quote. Complete on Google Docs and share with Mr. Congram.

Be careful with your words, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten”

“Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you”

“Everyday may not be good but there is something good in everyday”

“You were born on original. Don’t die a copy”

“We can’t direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails”

“It hurt because it mattered”

“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations”

“You don’t have to be perfect to be amazing”

“Just because my path is different doesn’t mean I’m lost”

Thursday 1 June 2017

To do...June 1

  1. Math test signed
  2. Book Club reflections and "Branded" Blog due Monday
  3. Persuasive Roundtables - ready to record
  4. Math - 2 problems completed (more than one way)
  5. Stress Management (arrange with Mr. Congram a time to present)

Math Problem - Thursday

Image result for hmcs halifax

The HMCS Halifax left Halifax and sailed east at 25 km/h for 2 hours. It then sailed south at 30 km/h for another 2 hours. The captain wanted to know how far the ship was from Halifax.

Wednesday 31 May 2017

Pythagorean Triples

The smallest right-angled triangle where the lengths of all the sides are integers, has sides of length 3, 4 and 5 units. This triangle has an area of 6 square units and a perimeter of 12 units:

  • How many right-angled triangles are there with sides that are all integers less than 100 units?
  • In how many of these triangles is the area one half of the perimeter?

Tuesday 30 May 2017


Image result for pythagorean problems

Image result for pythagorean problems

Find the length of x

Learning Skills - complete by Thursday

THESIS statements

The thesis statement is the main idea of the written work. Every other paragraph fits within the main idea presented in a thesis statement.

 A thesis statement should be:

  • specific enough to be more than simply a vague topic
  • general enough that every paragraph fits inside of it 

 A thesis statement should never explicitly state that it is a thesis statement. Phrases like, “I think” or “I feel” or “I believe” are poor choices. Simply state the main idea. Avoid using a term like, “this is my thesis statement” or “my thesis statement is.”

Friday 26 May 2017

Week of May 29th

Monday - Track & Field (come prepared to participate, sunscreen, water bottle etc.)
Tuesday - Running Long Jump (period 3)
Wednesday - 1500 m (period 3)

Come prepared for Track & Field all week!

Next week in LITERACY:
Book Clubs - Wednesday (period 1)
Stress Management presentations - Tuesday and Wednesday
Blogs - final week to post

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday 17 May 2017

To do...May 17

  1. Integers Test - tomorrow
  2. Persuasive Roundtables by end of the week
  3. "Talk to Me" reflection - overdue
Montreal Trip - meet at the school by 7:00-7:15 am on Tuesday.

Mr. Congram is out of the building for the remainder of the week, if you have questions about the trip speak with Mr. Kaufman. See you Tuesday!

Monday 15 May 2017

To do...May 15

  1. Geography (DR #1, 2 (p. 220); DR #1 a&b (p.224); DR #1, 2 (p.227); DR #1 ab (p.229); AR #1-3 (p.233)
  2. Math - checkpoint (+, -, X, /)
  3. Math - order of operations #16, 19, 20, 26, 30-34
  4. Math - Integers Test (Thursday)
  5. Health - Stress Management presentation
  6. Book Club - next Wednesday

Tuesday 9 May 2017

To do...May 9

  1. Gauss Math Contest - Wednesday @ lunch (bring your lunch and calculator)
  2. Math - integers worksheets
  3. Book Club - next meeting Thursday
  4. BLOG - keep working on it
  5. "James Peek" Reflection due end of the week
  6. Health - Stress Management Assignment due beginning of next week

Friday 5 May 2017

Review Problems

Problem #1
At the party, three-quarters of the box of chocolates were eaten. The next day, Jason ate 5 more of the chocolates. Now there is only one chocolate left in the box. How many chocolates were in the box when it was full?

Problem #2
The mass of a bobcat is one-fifth the mass of an Arctic wolf. Their combined mass is forty-eight kilograms. What is the mass of the bobcat?

NOTE: Solutions have been shared with you on Google Docs.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

To do...May 3

  1. Math - p. 271 #15-18 & back of worksheet (2 questions)
  2. Math TEST - Monday
  3. Literacy - next book club Wed.
  4. Science - 12.4 #1-5 and bold words
  5. Music Project - tomorrow
  • Montreal forms filled out and returned (3 mandatory and medical only if drugs to be administered)
  • Order forms for Graduation Hoodies due May 9th (thank you to the parents who have taken this task on)
  • Friday - Hoops for Heart (teams to Mr. Kaufman and $5 minimum donation)

Breakfast Orders

Wednesday 26 April 2017

To do...April 26

  1. Math - worksheet #7, 12, 13, 16
  2. Blog - post due by end of the week
  3. Book Club - first meeting on Monday, May 1 (notes ready by then)
  4. Rubrics signed Verbal/visual essay, Pecha Kucha

  • Hoops for Heart - minimum donation of $5 and teams need to be given to Mr. Kaufman
  • Yoga waiver form completed by Tuesday, May 2

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Algebra Challenge #2

Directions: Use the whole numbers 1 through 9 only one time each to find the largest (or smallest) possible values for the sum of x and y.

Sunday 23 April 2017

Algebra Challenge #1

Directions:  Use the whole numbers 1 through 9 only one time each to find the largest (or smallest) possible values for x.

Persuasive - diagnostic

Topic Ideas

Choose a topic from this gallery (challenge yourself - choose a topic you've never written about)

Create a Google Doc and write the opening paragraph

  • what needs to be included in the first paragraph?
  • purpose of first paragraph
Share the document with Mr. Congram and three classmates.

Provide feedback to others. Your feedback should focus on persuasive writing and the opening paragraph:
  • have they included necessary components of an opening paragraph?
  • is it an effective opening?
  • choice of words?

Thursday 20 April 2017

To do...April 20

  1. Math - "Evaluating Practice" (#13 - 20 front; # back)
  2. Checkpoint - Writing expressions/equations
  3. Literacy - "Thank You Ma'am" notes - Friday
  4. "Greatest Canadian" - Friday
  5. Science Test - Wed., April 26
  6. Geography Project due Friday

Memory Book - Order due: May 5th

A letter was set home regarding graduation - Monday, June 19th

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Mini Persuasive Unit - Greatest Living Canadian

Nominees will be considered if they meet the following criteria:
  • They are a Canadian (by birth or naturalization) who has demonstrated outstanding leadership, achievement or distinction in any field, benefiting the people of Canada, or in the service of Canada.
  • They are alive
Related image

Learning Goal:

  • choose a great Canadian 
  • create a 2-3 minute presentation to persuade us that your choice should be chosen as the "GREATEST LIVING CANADIAN"

Possible resources:

Tuesday 11 April 2017

To do...April 11

  1. Math Test tomorrow
  2. Read "Ambushed" and make notes
  3. PECHA KUCHA presentations continue tomorrow
  4. Blog ongoing

Possible Probability Review Questions

Two standard six-sided dice are tossed. One die is red and the other die is blue. What is the probability that the number appearing on the red die is greater than the number appearing on the blue die?

Betty is making a sundae. She must randomly choose one flavour of ice cream (chocolate or vanilla or strawberry), one syrup (butterscotch or fudge) and one topping (cherry or banana or pineapple). What is the probability that she will choose a sundae with vanilla ice cream, fudge syrup and banana topping? 

Each letter of the English alphabet is written on a separate tile and placed in a bag. Alonso draws one letter at random from the bag. What is the probability that Alonso draws a letter that is in his name? 

Luke has red marbles and blue marbles in a bag. If he chooses a marble at random,
the probability that he will choose a blue marble is 2 out of 5. Luke adds 5 blue marbles to
the bag and removes 5 red marbles. If he chooses a marble at random, the probability
that he will choose a blue marble is now 3 out of 5. How many marbles are in the bag? 

Challenge Problem

IGNORE THIS PROBLEM - too difficult

A chess club has 10 members, 4 women and 6 men, of whom two are brothers.
A team of 4 members is selected to play a match. Suppose that each member has an equal chance of being selected what is the probability that both brothers are in the team and what is the probability that neither brother is in the team?
What is the probability that there are at least two women in the team and what is the probability that there are at least two men in the team?

Monday 10 April 2017

Probability Problems - Monday

Image result for bank vault combination locks
Problem #1
Gretchen knows the combination to a bank vault lock is two letters followed by two numbers.

a)   What is the probability that Gretchen guesses the combination on her first attempt?

b)   Suppose she knows the combination starts with the letter M. 

Image result for basketball free throw

Problem #2
Each time Parker shoots a free throw in basketball, he has an 80% chance of making the shot.
Suppose he is given 3 free throws. Find the probability of each event.
a)   Makes the basket, misses the basket, makes the basket
b)   Makes all 3 shots
c)   Misses all 3 shots

All American Boys (Monday)

Thursday 6 April 2017

Probability Problem

Sophia has one token left to play at the Combination Games Fair at school.  There are only two games left he hasn’t played.

DOUBLE DICE:  Predict the outcomes of two 6 sided dice in any order

TRIPLE FLIP:  Predict the outcomes of three coin flips in the correct order.

He wants to use his last token on the game that gives him the greatest probability of winning.  Which of the games above should he use his last token on?  Use tree diagrams to justify your answer

Monday 3 April 2017

To do...April 3

  1. Math - p. 410 #6, 9, 11
  2. Checkpoint - Wednesday
  3. Literacy - bring images/quotes for verbal/visual

Planning ahead:
  • Pecha Kucha - presentations begin April 11th
  • "Take a Stand" - Google Classroom completed and turned in by Friday
  • BLOG post due by Friday
  • "Taking a Stand" verbal visual essay due Friday

Sunday 2 April 2017

Coin Flipping Problem

Imagine a school assembly with 250 students. Everyone stands up and flips a coin. People with tails sit down. People with heads flip again.
Do you think anyone will get 6 heads in a row?
How many heads in a row do you expect the last one standing to have flipped?
Can you explain your reasoning?

Link for Math Activity

Horse Race

Image result for horse race clipart

Take 2

Friday 31 March 2017

To do...March 31

  1. Math - p. 406 #8, 11, 12
  2. Checkpoint - Tuesday
  3. Literacy - Introduction to Your Blog post
  4. "Remember the Titans" questions
  5. "Rosa Parks"
  6. Read next chapter of All American Boys
Wear Blue on Monday!
Image result for wear blue autism awareness

Thursday 30 March 2017

To do...March 31

  1. Math - p. 406 #5
  2. Literacy - be prepared to work on "Remember the Titans" & Blog tomorrow

Wednesday 29 March 2017

To do...March 29

  1. Math - probability worksheet
  2. Literacy - read "Rosa Parks" article
  3. Literacy - introduction blog post due Friday
  4. Memory Book page due Friday

Verbal Visual Essays - analysis


  • use verbal (words, phrases, quotes) and visuals to express YOUR interpretation of a text(s)

Questions to consider:
  • does it show an understanding of the text?
  • did they INTEGRATE the verbal and visual? arrangement?
  • use of design elements? (colour? fonts? size?)
  • shows insight into significant ideas?
Related image

Monday 27 March 2017

To do...March 27

  1. Math test - tomorrow
  2. "Branded" blog - introduction to the world by Friday
  3. Book Club - make your choices by Friday
  4. Geography - p. 70 #1, 2

Book Club - Choices

Links to summaries and reviews

Tuesday 21 March 2017

To do...March 21

  1. Math Checkpoint- Wednesday & Friday (Test early next week, likely Tuesday)
  2. Math - 3 questions (discounts, taxes, commissions)
  3. Literacy - Thinking Books hand in by Friday
  4. Science - p.290 #1-4 and glossary

Monday 20 March 2017

To do...March 20

  1. Math - worksheet (odd numbers)
  2. Literacy - Thinking Books hand in by Friday
  3. French - Dictee - Friday & Quiz on Monday
  4. Math test signed

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Think Pair Share

What is a good estimate for 42% of 85? Explain how you estimated it.
When do people use percents in everyday life other than in sales in stores?
Is 10% a lot? Explain why or why not.

Friday 3 March 2017

To do...Friday, March 3

  1. Math test - Wednesday
  2. Doc Presentations - next week
  3. Math review - question on blog is mandatory

Review Question

In a factory, the ratio of men to women is 2:3.
The ratio of right-handed men to left-handed men is 7:3
The ratio of right-handed women to left-handed women is 11:1
What fraction of the factory workforce is right-handed?
What is the fewest number of employees possible in this building?

Thursday 2 March 2017

To do...March 2

  1. Math - work on blog question
  2. Documentary Post due tomorrow
  3. All American Boys - padlet with reason
Made with Padlet

Review Question

Every day, Ms Fanthorpe leaves home at 8:30 and drives to work.

If she drives at an average speed of 20 miles per hour, she arrives 3 minutes late. If she drives at an average speed of 30 miles per hour, she arrives 3 minutes early.

What average speed should she drive at to arrive on time?

Wednesday 1 March 2017

To do...March 1

  1. Math - worksheet #14, 16, 17, 18a, 21
  2. Checkpoint - Thursday (rates, unit rates)
  3. Literacy - documentary blogpost & independent reading book
  4. Geography - BF p. 33 #1, DR p. 34 #1, AR p. 41 #1ac, 2

Monday 27 February 2017

Friday 24 February 2017

To do...Feb. 24

1. Math - be prepared to defend your answer for the "Would You Rather" question below:

2. Documentary - submit your documentary (blogpost due March 3)
3. Independent Reading Project ongoing (thinking book & book read by March 20th)

Justify your answer

What can you find out about this image?

Made with Padlet

Thursday 23 February 2017

The Third Man - documentary

You will find the analysis page in Google Classroom. There is also a link to the documentary if you need to watch a part again. It should be turned in by the end of the period.

Blog Examples

Made with Padlet

Tuesday 21 February 2017

To do...Feb. 21

  1. Math - p. 60 #6-9
  2. Independent Reading Project - submit book title & complete "Before Readng" thinking book
  3. Documentary - submit title by Friday

Wear PINK tomorrow!!!
Image result for wear pink

All American Boys

Made with Padlet

Doc Assignment

Documentary Blogpost


Analysis - your blogpost and presentation should include an analysis of the documentary. You should consider these questions:
  • What is the topic?
  • What is the central argument being made by the filmmaker?
  • What evidence does the filmmaker offer in support of the argument?
  • What types of shots are used? 
  • Are the images contemporaneous (from the actual events)? A re-enactment? Representational? Something else? 
  • What is the purpose of the documentary? Why did they make the documentary?

Due: Friday, March 3 

Thursday 16 February 2017

To do...Feb. 16

  1. "I AM" - documentary analysis (due by Tuesday)
  2. Documentary Blogpost - we will discuss next week, but you will need to find a documentary to watch and respond to independently
  3. Math - p. 50 #7, 8, 9, 12
  4. Literacy - choose a novel for independent reading project
Course Selection forms due to Mr. Congram by Feb. 21 (there are a few of the transfer that are experiencing technical issues)

Come prepared to be outside all day tomorrow with a lunch.

Friday 10 February 2017

To do...Feb. 10

  1. Math test - Monday: Surface Area & Volume
The Roc - next Friday (waiver form needs to be filled out)

Wednesday 8 February 2017

To do...Feb. 8

  1. Math - worksheet (2 questions)
  2. Checkpoint - Friday (volume)
  3. Math Assessment (Monday) - surface area & volume (need a calculator)
  4. Instructional videos (if it isn't handed in, you have all guaranteed I will get it tonight)
The Roc field trip - available on School Cash Online 
  • "Special Winter Excursion" form needs to be signed and returned to school (available in class)

Monday 6 February 2017

To do...Feb. 6

  1. Math - worksheet #14 and 19abc
  2. Literacy - instructional videos due tomorrow
Blanket exercise - Wed., Feb. 8 (still looking for volunteers 😊)
The ROC - Feb. 17th (available on School Cash Online)

Sunday 5 February 2017

My Favourite Story from the Super Bowl

Challenge Problem

Tennis halfpipe - estimate how much paint will be needed to cover the surface of the tennis court. Provide reasoning behind your estimate.

10 square meters/ 1 litre of paint


Last Call for Volunteers

Last call for two parent volunteers. Our class in taking part the Blanket Exercise this Wednesday afternoon from 1:30 to 3:00. An excellent activity to explore the relationship between Canada's indigenous people and non-indigenous people. If you are available please email me at

Image result for kairos blanket exercise

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Find the surface area of this figure. 
What part of the formula do you need? 
Do you need to add anything?

To do...Feb. 1

  1. Math - p. 376 #6, 7ab, 13
  2. Instructional videos - due Tuesday, Feb. 7
  3. Health inquiries - be ready to present

Friday 27 January 2017

To do...Jan. 27

  1. Instructional Presentations (all presentations on Monday)
  2. Health inquiries (gathering information on your topic; presentations next week)
  3. History - read p. 192-208 (DR#1 p. 192, DR #1 p.196, AR #1 p. 197, DR #1 p. 204, DR #1 p. 207) due Monday
Blanket Exercise - Feb.8 @ 1:30 (still looking for 2 volunteers)

Wednesday 25 January 2017

To do...Jan. 24

  1. Instructional presentations begin tomorrow.
  2. Math test - tomorrow
  3. School Spoken Word - Friday morning
  4. Health Inquiry - research


How to ….. Success Criteria

  • Effective Introduction/hook & Conclusion

  • Show all the important steps, rules, and/or tips for the procedure.

  • Show details about the procedure that others might not have thought of

  • Use word choice that is interesting and sophisticated.

  • Make the procedure clear and easy to understand

  • Present with personality