Friday 27 January 2017

To do...Jan. 27

  1. Instructional Presentations (all presentations on Monday)
  2. Health inquiries (gathering information on your topic; presentations next week)
  3. History - read p. 192-208 (DR#1 p. 192, DR #1 p.196, AR #1 p. 197, DR #1 p. 204, DR #1 p. 207) due Monday
Blanket Exercise - Feb.8 @ 1:30 (still looking for 2 volunteers)

Wednesday 25 January 2017

To do...Jan. 24

  1. Instructional presentations begin tomorrow.
  2. Math test - tomorrow
  3. School Spoken Word - Friday morning
  4. Health Inquiry - research


How to ….. Success Criteria

  • Effective Introduction/hook & Conclusion

  • Show all the important steps, rules, and/or tips for the procedure.

  • Show details about the procedure that others might not have thought of

  • Use word choice that is interesting and sophisticated.

  • Make the procedure clear and easy to understand

  • Present with personality


Health Presentations - rubric

Monday 23 January 2017

Looking for Volunteers

On February 8th, all the intermediate classes at Highview will be taking part in the blanket exercise. It is a teaching tool to share the historic and contemporary relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. More information can be found at this link:

My class will be taking part in the afternoon from approximately 1:30 to 3:00. We need two adults to take part as readers. The activity follows a script and the two volunteers would play the roles of Europeans.

If you are interested or want to know more, please contact Mr. Congram.

Spoken word example

Friday 20 January 2017

A couple of new items:

  1. Math test - circumference and area of a circle (Thursday and Friday - no double period)
  2. Montreal trip - second deposit is due by this Thursday. We have discovered an error on the Cash Online for the second deposit. It should have charged more than the $103 it did. Therefore, the third installment (due in March) will be $366 to reflect this error. We apologize for the error. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday 19 January 2017

To do...Jan. 19

  1. Math worksheet (4.9 side: #13, 14, 16 & "More practice" #16-19)
  2. Checkpoint - AREA (Monday)
  3. Spoken Word - practice
  4. Instructional presentations - script ready for Monday
Grad photos - Thursday (wear white shirt with collar)

Find the area of the shaded part.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

To do...Jan. 18

  1. Math - worksheet #3-6 
  2. Spoken word - rough draft due by end of tomorrow
  3. Tchoukball - late (turn in if you have not done so)
A couple of dates to add to our important dates:

High school registration forms due Monday, Jan. 23
Course selection forms due Tues., Feb. 21

Important dates

Jan. 19- Spoken Word rough copy (Ready for feedback)
Jan. 20- PA Day
Jan. 24- Class Poetry Slam
Jan. 25- Montreal 2nd payment due (Grade 8)
Jan. 26- Instructional Class Presentations
Jan. 26- GRAD Photos
Jan. 27- School Poetry Slam
Week of Jan. 29- Thinking Books due this week (Grade 8 only)
Jan. 30- Instructional Class Presentations continue
Jan. 31- Health Inquiry Presentations
Feb. 1- Health Inquiry Presentations continue
Feb. 3- PA DAY
Feb. 7- Instructional Videos due
Feb. 15- Reports go home

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Area of a Circle



What are your options? (HEALTH)

Learning goal:

  • make reasoned decisions regarding healthy living and personal food choices based on a variety of criteria
Image result for healthy eating

How can you identify a healthier food choice?

  1. In groups of 3-4, choose a fast food restaurant.
  2. Choose a healthier choice and a less healthy choice.
  3. Compare your choices using these criteria:
  • preparation method
  • calories
  • serving size
  • grams of fat (saturated, trans)
  • ingredients/nutrients (sodium, sugar, fibre etc.


Grilled chicken sandwich
Serving size - 500 g
food preparation - patty is grilled not fried
# of calories - 289
total fat - 8
saturated fat - 
trans fat -
sodium -

Ingredients - 
whole wheat bun (carbohydrate)
chicken (protein)
pickle (sodium)
tomato (vitamin C)

Would You Rather?

Route A vs B

Choose the shortest route

Justify your choice.

Challenge question: Coins on a Plate

Friday 13 January 2017

To do...Jan. 13

1. Math worksheet - #15-17
2. Spoken word - writing is ongoing
3. Instructional video - topic and begin script
4. Science - personal water use due Monday
5. Art - 3 half page drawings of food

Instructional video examples

Thursday 12 January 2017

Math Problem - Circumference

Area of square is 40 square centimetres. What is the perimeter of the figure?

Wednesday 11 January 2017

To do...Jan. 11

  1. Math - p. 158 #4, 5, 10, 12-14 & "In transit" worksheet
  2. Checkpoint - Friday (circumference)
  3. TOPIC for instructional video
  4. Writing - Tchoukball rough draft ready for tomorrow
  5. Health - article ready to discuss
  6. Science - cover page

Monday 9 January 2017

Spoken Word examples

Writing Prompts

Writing Prompts 2

To do...Jan. 9

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great break and you were able to enjoy some time with family and friends.

  1. Math - p. 151 #1-4, 5b
  2. Health - read your assigned article
  3. Writing - be prepared to write your procedure for Tchoukball
  4. Think about possible topics for instructional videos
  5. History - read p. 130-135 (DR p. 130; AR p. 131)

Montreal - you should have received an email in regards to the second installment of the Montreal trip.

Health Articles

You are responsible to read the article and:

  • be able to summarize the content
  • have any questions ready (what are you wondering?)

Mental Health

Physical Activity

Healthy Eating

Sunday 8 January 2017

Spoken Word - Evaluation

Spoken Word - Success Criteria


  • BIG IDEA (important, passionate, connections)
  • powerful statements (vocabulary, analogies, metaphors, short, descriptive)
  • organization is evident (makes sense)
  • what is the take away?

  • body language/hand gestures (matches the message)
  • eye contact
  • voice (volume, tone, emotion, passion)
  • emphasis on important words and ideas
  • rhythm

"Wish for You" - Neil Gaiman