Monday 27 February 2017

Friday 24 February 2017

To do...Feb. 24

1. Math - be prepared to defend your answer for the "Would You Rather" question below:

2. Documentary - submit your documentary (blogpost due March 3)
3. Independent Reading Project ongoing (thinking book & book read by March 20th)

Justify your answer

What can you find out about this image?

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Thursday 23 February 2017

The Third Man - documentary

You will find the analysis page in Google Classroom. There is also a link to the documentary if you need to watch a part again. It should be turned in by the end of the period.

Blog Examples

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Tuesday 21 February 2017

To do...Feb. 21

  1. Math - p. 60 #6-9
  2. Independent Reading Project - submit book title & complete "Before Readng" thinking book
  3. Documentary - submit title by Friday

Wear PINK tomorrow!!!
Image result for wear pink

All American Boys

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Doc Assignment

Documentary Blogpost


Analysis - your blogpost and presentation should include an analysis of the documentary. You should consider these questions:
  • What is the topic?
  • What is the central argument being made by the filmmaker?
  • What evidence does the filmmaker offer in support of the argument?
  • What types of shots are used? 
  • Are the images contemporaneous (from the actual events)? A re-enactment? Representational? Something else? 
  • What is the purpose of the documentary? Why did they make the documentary?

Due: Friday, March 3 

Thursday 16 February 2017

To do...Feb. 16

  1. "I AM" - documentary analysis (due by Tuesday)
  2. Documentary Blogpost - we will discuss next week, but you will need to find a documentary to watch and respond to independently
  3. Math - p. 50 #7, 8, 9, 12
  4. Literacy - choose a novel for independent reading project
Course Selection forms due to Mr. Congram by Feb. 21 (there are a few of the transfer that are experiencing technical issues)

Come prepared to be outside all day tomorrow with a lunch.

Friday 10 February 2017

To do...Feb. 10

  1. Math test - Monday: Surface Area & Volume
The Roc - next Friday (waiver form needs to be filled out)

Wednesday 8 February 2017

To do...Feb. 8

  1. Math - worksheet (2 questions)
  2. Checkpoint - Friday (volume)
  3. Math Assessment (Monday) - surface area & volume (need a calculator)
  4. Instructional videos (if it isn't handed in, you have all guaranteed I will get it tonight)
The Roc field trip - available on School Cash Online 
  • "Special Winter Excursion" form needs to be signed and returned to school (available in class)

Monday 6 February 2017

To do...Feb. 6

  1. Math - worksheet #14 and 19abc
  2. Literacy - instructional videos due tomorrow
Blanket exercise - Wed., Feb. 8 (still looking for volunteers 😊)
The ROC - Feb. 17th (available on School Cash Online)

Sunday 5 February 2017

My Favourite Story from the Super Bowl

Challenge Problem

Tennis halfpipe - estimate how much paint will be needed to cover the surface of the tennis court. Provide reasoning behind your estimate.

10 square meters/ 1 litre of paint


Last Call for Volunteers

Last call for two parent volunteers. Our class in taking part the Blanket Exercise this Wednesday afternoon from 1:30 to 3:00. An excellent activity to explore the relationship between Canada's indigenous people and non-indigenous people. If you are available please email me at

Image result for kairos blanket exercise

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Find the surface area of this figure. 
What part of the formula do you need? 
Do you need to add anything?

To do...Feb. 1

  1. Math - p. 376 #6, 7ab, 13
  2. Instructional videos - due Tuesday, Feb. 7
  3. Health inquiries - be ready to present