Friday 31 March 2017

To do...March 31

  1. Math - p. 406 #8, 11, 12
  2. Checkpoint - Tuesday
  3. Literacy - Introduction to Your Blog post
  4. "Remember the Titans" questions
  5. "Rosa Parks"
  6. Read next chapter of All American Boys
Wear Blue on Monday!
Image result for wear blue autism awareness

Thursday 30 March 2017

To do...March 31

  1. Math - p. 406 #5
  2. Literacy - be prepared to work on "Remember the Titans" & Blog tomorrow

Wednesday 29 March 2017

To do...March 29

  1. Math - probability worksheet
  2. Literacy - read "Rosa Parks" article
  3. Literacy - introduction blog post due Friday
  4. Memory Book page due Friday

Verbal Visual Essays - analysis


  • use verbal (words, phrases, quotes) and visuals to express YOUR interpretation of a text(s)

Questions to consider:
  • does it show an understanding of the text?
  • did they INTEGRATE the verbal and visual? arrangement?
  • use of design elements? (colour? fonts? size?)
  • shows insight into significant ideas?
Related image

Monday 27 March 2017

To do...March 27

  1. Math test - tomorrow
  2. "Branded" blog - introduction to the world by Friday
  3. Book Club - make your choices by Friday
  4. Geography - p. 70 #1, 2

Book Club - Choices

Links to summaries and reviews

Tuesday 21 March 2017

To do...March 21

  1. Math Checkpoint- Wednesday & Friday (Test early next week, likely Tuesday)
  2. Math - 3 questions (discounts, taxes, commissions)
  3. Literacy - Thinking Books hand in by Friday
  4. Science - p.290 #1-4 and glossary

Monday 20 March 2017

To do...March 20

  1. Math - worksheet (odd numbers)
  2. Literacy - Thinking Books hand in by Friday
  3. French - Dictee - Friday & Quiz on Monday
  4. Math test signed

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Think Pair Share

What is a good estimate for 42% of 85? Explain how you estimated it.
When do people use percents in everyday life other than in sales in stores?
Is 10% a lot? Explain why or why not.

Friday 3 March 2017

To do...Friday, March 3

  1. Math test - Wednesday
  2. Doc Presentations - next week
  3. Math review - question on blog is mandatory

Review Question

In a factory, the ratio of men to women is 2:3.
The ratio of right-handed men to left-handed men is 7:3
The ratio of right-handed women to left-handed women is 11:1
What fraction of the factory workforce is right-handed?
What is the fewest number of employees possible in this building?

Thursday 2 March 2017

To do...March 2

  1. Math - work on blog question
  2. Documentary Post due tomorrow
  3. All American Boys - padlet with reason
Made with Padlet

Review Question

Every day, Ms Fanthorpe leaves home at 8:30 and drives to work.

If she drives at an average speed of 20 miles per hour, she arrives 3 minutes late. If she drives at an average speed of 30 miles per hour, she arrives 3 minutes early.

What average speed should she drive at to arrive on time?

Wednesday 1 March 2017

To do...March 1

  1. Math - worksheet #14, 16, 17, 18a, 21
  2. Checkpoint - Thursday (rates, unit rates)
  3. Literacy - documentary blogpost & independent reading book
  4. Geography - BF p. 33 #1, DR p. 34 #1, AR p. 41 #1ac, 2