Wednesday 26 April 2017

To do...April 26

  1. Math - worksheet #7, 12, 13, 16
  2. Blog - post due by end of the week
  3. Book Club - first meeting on Monday, May 1 (notes ready by then)
  4. Rubrics signed Verbal/visual essay, Pecha Kucha

  • Hoops for Heart - minimum donation of $5 and teams need to be given to Mr. Kaufman
  • Yoga waiver form completed by Tuesday, May 2

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Algebra Challenge #2

Directions: Use the whole numbers 1 through 9 only one time each to find the largest (or smallest) possible values for the sum of x and y.

Sunday 23 April 2017

Algebra Challenge #1

Directions:  Use the whole numbers 1 through 9 only one time each to find the largest (or smallest) possible values for x.

Persuasive - diagnostic

Topic Ideas

Choose a topic from this gallery (challenge yourself - choose a topic you've never written about)

Create a Google Doc and write the opening paragraph

  • what needs to be included in the first paragraph?
  • purpose of first paragraph
Share the document with Mr. Congram and three classmates.

Provide feedback to others. Your feedback should focus on persuasive writing and the opening paragraph:
  • have they included necessary components of an opening paragraph?
  • is it an effective opening?
  • choice of words?

Thursday 20 April 2017

To do...April 20

  1. Math - "Evaluating Practice" (#13 - 20 front; # back)
  2. Checkpoint - Writing expressions/equations
  3. Literacy - "Thank You Ma'am" notes - Friday
  4. "Greatest Canadian" - Friday
  5. Science Test - Wed., April 26
  6. Geography Project due Friday

Memory Book - Order due: May 5th

A letter was set home regarding graduation - Monday, June 19th

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Mini Persuasive Unit - Greatest Living Canadian

Nominees will be considered if they meet the following criteria:
  • They are a Canadian (by birth or naturalization) who has demonstrated outstanding leadership, achievement or distinction in any field, benefiting the people of Canada, or in the service of Canada.
  • They are alive
Related image

Learning Goal:

  • choose a great Canadian 
  • create a 2-3 minute presentation to persuade us that your choice should be chosen as the "GREATEST LIVING CANADIAN"

Possible resources:

Tuesday 11 April 2017

To do...April 11

  1. Math Test tomorrow
  2. Read "Ambushed" and make notes
  3. PECHA KUCHA presentations continue tomorrow
  4. Blog ongoing

Possible Probability Review Questions

Two standard six-sided dice are tossed. One die is red and the other die is blue. What is the probability that the number appearing on the red die is greater than the number appearing on the blue die?

Betty is making a sundae. She must randomly choose one flavour of ice cream (chocolate or vanilla or strawberry), one syrup (butterscotch or fudge) and one topping (cherry or banana or pineapple). What is the probability that she will choose a sundae with vanilla ice cream, fudge syrup and banana topping? 

Each letter of the English alphabet is written on a separate tile and placed in a bag. Alonso draws one letter at random from the bag. What is the probability that Alonso draws a letter that is in his name? 

Luke has red marbles and blue marbles in a bag. If he chooses a marble at random,
the probability that he will choose a blue marble is 2 out of 5. Luke adds 5 blue marbles to
the bag and removes 5 red marbles. If he chooses a marble at random, the probability
that he will choose a blue marble is now 3 out of 5. How many marbles are in the bag? 

Challenge Problem

IGNORE THIS PROBLEM - too difficult

A chess club has 10 members, 4 women and 6 men, of whom two are brothers.
A team of 4 members is selected to play a match. Suppose that each member has an equal chance of being selected what is the probability that both brothers are in the team and what is the probability that neither brother is in the team?
What is the probability that there are at least two women in the team and what is the probability that there are at least two men in the team?

Monday 10 April 2017

Probability Problems - Monday

Image result for bank vault combination locks
Problem #1
Gretchen knows the combination to a bank vault lock is two letters followed by two numbers.

a)   What is the probability that Gretchen guesses the combination on her first attempt?

b)   Suppose she knows the combination starts with the letter M. 

Image result for basketball free throw

Problem #2
Each time Parker shoots a free throw in basketball, he has an 80% chance of making the shot.
Suppose he is given 3 free throws. Find the probability of each event.
a)   Makes the basket, misses the basket, makes the basket
b)   Makes all 3 shots
c)   Misses all 3 shots

All American Boys (Monday)

Thursday 6 April 2017

Probability Problem

Sophia has one token left to play at the Combination Games Fair at school.  There are only two games left he hasn’t played.

DOUBLE DICE:  Predict the outcomes of two 6 sided dice in any order

TRIPLE FLIP:  Predict the outcomes of three coin flips in the correct order.

He wants to use his last token on the game that gives him the greatest probability of winning.  Which of the games above should he use his last token on?  Use tree diagrams to justify your answer

Monday 3 April 2017

To do...April 3

  1. Math - p. 410 #6, 9, 11
  2. Checkpoint - Wednesday
  3. Literacy - bring images/quotes for verbal/visual

Planning ahead:
  • Pecha Kucha - presentations begin April 11th
  • "Take a Stand" - Google Classroom completed and turned in by Friday
  • BLOG post due by Friday
  • "Taking a Stand" verbal visual essay due Friday

Sunday 2 April 2017

Coin Flipping Problem

Imagine a school assembly with 250 students. Everyone stands up and flips a coin. People with tails sit down. People with heads flip again.
Do you think anyone will get 6 heads in a row?
How many heads in a row do you expect the last one standing to have flipped?
Can you explain your reasoning?

Link for Math Activity

Horse Race

Image result for horse race clipart

Take 2