Wednesday 31 May 2017

Pythagorean Triples

The smallest right-angled triangle where the lengths of all the sides are integers, has sides of length 3, 4 and 5 units. This triangle has an area of 6 square units and a perimeter of 12 units:

  • How many right-angled triangles are there with sides that are all integers less than 100 units?
  • In how many of these triangles is the area one half of the perimeter?

Tuesday 30 May 2017


Image result for pythagorean problems

Image result for pythagorean problems

Find the length of x

Learning Skills - complete by Thursday

THESIS statements

The thesis statement is the main idea of the written work. Every other paragraph fits within the main idea presented in a thesis statement.

 A thesis statement should be:

  • specific enough to be more than simply a vague topic
  • general enough that every paragraph fits inside of it 

 A thesis statement should never explicitly state that it is a thesis statement. Phrases like, “I think” or “I feel” or “I believe” are poor choices. Simply state the main idea. Avoid using a term like, “this is my thesis statement” or “my thesis statement is.”

Friday 26 May 2017

Week of May 29th

Monday - Track & Field (come prepared to participate, sunscreen, water bottle etc.)
Tuesday - Running Long Jump (period 3)
Wednesday - 1500 m (period 3)

Come prepared for Track & Field all week!

Next week in LITERACY:
Book Clubs - Wednesday (period 1)
Stress Management presentations - Tuesday and Wednesday
Blogs - final week to post

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday 17 May 2017

To do...May 17

  1. Integers Test - tomorrow
  2. Persuasive Roundtables by end of the week
  3. "Talk to Me" reflection - overdue
Montreal Trip - meet at the school by 7:00-7:15 am on Tuesday.

Mr. Congram is out of the building for the remainder of the week, if you have questions about the trip speak with Mr. Kaufman. See you Tuesday!

Monday 15 May 2017

To do...May 15

  1. Geography (DR #1, 2 (p. 220); DR #1 a&b (p.224); DR #1, 2 (p.227); DR #1 ab (p.229); AR #1-3 (p.233)
  2. Math - checkpoint (+, -, X, /)
  3. Math - order of operations #16, 19, 20, 26, 30-34
  4. Math - Integers Test (Thursday)
  5. Health - Stress Management presentation
  6. Book Club - next Wednesday

Tuesday 9 May 2017

To do...May 9

  1. Gauss Math Contest - Wednesday @ lunch (bring your lunch and calculator)
  2. Math - integers worksheets
  3. Book Club - next meeting Thursday
  4. BLOG - keep working on it
  5. "James Peek" Reflection due end of the week
  6. Health - Stress Management Assignment due beginning of next week

Friday 5 May 2017

Review Problems

Problem #1
At the party, three-quarters of the box of chocolates were eaten. The next day, Jason ate 5 more of the chocolates. Now there is only one chocolate left in the box. How many chocolates were in the box when it was full?

Problem #2
The mass of a bobcat is one-fifth the mass of an Arctic wolf. Their combined mass is forty-eight kilograms. What is the mass of the bobcat?

NOTE: Solutions have been shared with you on Google Docs.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

To do...May 3

  1. Math - p. 271 #15-18 & back of worksheet (2 questions)
  2. Math TEST - Monday
  3. Literacy - next book club Wed.
  4. Science - 12.4 #1-5 and bold words
  5. Music Project - tomorrow
  • Montreal forms filled out and returned (3 mandatory and medical only if drugs to be administered)
  • Order forms for Graduation Hoodies due May 9th (thank you to the parents who have taken this task on)
  • Friday - Hoops for Heart (teams to Mr. Kaufman and $5 minimum donation)

Breakfast Orders